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A picture of the newnode function for workflow visualisation in R

Newnode: An R function for visualising workflows

The scientific workflow concept is essentially a pipeline. The method step is the key atomic unit of a scientific pipeline. It consists of inputs, outputs and a rationale for why the step is taken.

A simple way to keep track of the steps, inputs and outputs is shown in Table below:

CLUSTER ,  STEP       , INPUTS                   , OUTPUTS                   
A  ,       Step1      , "Input 1, Input 2"       , Output 1                 
A  ,       Step2      ,  Input 3                 , Output 2                   
B  ,       Step3      , "Output 1, Output 2"     , Output 3                  

The steps and data listed in this way can be visualised. To achieve this an R function was written as part of my PhD project and is distributed in the R package available on Github https://github.com/ivanhanigan/disentangle.

This is the newnode function. The function returns a string of text written in the dot language which can be rendered in R using the DiagrammeR package, or the standalone graphviz package. This creates the graph of this pipeline shown in Figure below. Note that a new field was added for Descriptions as these are highly recommended.


Posted in  disentangle

Putting bibtex key into my lit review database needs sanitized latex characters

As I compile my papers for the thesis I am keeping notes for my presentation to discuss the results and scope of each study. The work on the ‘evidence tables’ I described in the last two posts has proved useful here. I allowed my self a breif distraction to dig out some code I had developed for a database of case studies demonstrating eco-social tipping points from historical evidence, and show here how to include bibtex info. The bibtex key (from Mendeley in my case) is added to the database, and then the following code:

library(rpostgrestools) # my own work
if(!exists("ch")) ch <- connect2postgres2("data_inventory_hanigan_dev4")

dat <- dbGetQuery(ch,
"SELECT id, dataset_id, bibtex_key, title,  key_results,background_to_study, 
       research_question, study_extent, outcomes, exposures,  covariates, method_protocol,
  FROM publication
  where key_results is not null and key_results != '';
names(dat) <- gsub("_", " ", names(dat))
tabcode <- xtable(dat[,1:8])
align(tabcode) <-  c( 'l', 'p{.7in}','p{.8in}','p{1.7in}', 'p{1.7in}', 'p{1.7in}','p{1.8in}','p{1.7in}', 'p{1.7in}')
print(tabcode,  include.rownames = F, table.placement = '!ht',
      sanitize.text.function = function(x) x)

Produces the below table:


Posted in  disentangle

Developing a lit review database

My work yesterday on implementing a lit review section of my data inventory database went pretty well, and I tested this while collating information on the papers I compile into my thesis.

However, as I worked through the information for each paper I realised that attaching this stuff at the EML/dataset level is not always going to work. In particular I have projects in which several papers are part of the one dataset. To deal with this I have invented a non-EML relationship module for publications. So in my new schema the following is possible


In this scenario a single dataset (ie bushfire smoke, temperature and mortality) can be used to write one paper focused on smoke, controlling for temperature. Another paper on heatwaves, controlling for smoke. Indeed we might use time-series Poisson models for one and case-crossover design for the other (this is similar to what I did with Johnston and Morgan).

So the simple thing to do is input these ‘evidence tables’ fields at the publication level, rather than the dataset as I did yesterday.

This also partially solves my problem about aggregating these non-EML tags inside the text of the abstract, and worrying about parsing that to extract the elements of information.

The fields

data_inventory_field description
Citation At a minimum author-date-journal, perhaps DOI?
Key results Include both effect estimates and uncertainty
Background to the study
Research question
Study extent
Covariates Include covariates, effect modifiers, confounders and subgroups
Method protocol
General Comments

An example


Posted in  disentangle

Judging the evidence using a literature review database

I recently read through a lecture slide deck called ‘Judging the Evidence’ by Adrian Sleigh for a course PUBH7001 Introduction to Epidemiology, April 30, 2001.

It had a lot of great material in it but I especially liked the section ‘CRITIQUE OF AN EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDY’ and slide 11 ‘Quantity of data, duplication’ which says:

Set clear criteria for admission of studies to your ‘judgement of evidence’
Devise ways to tabulate the information
‘Evidence tables’ show key features of design 
  (source, sample and study pop, N)
  exposures-outcomes measured
  observation methods
  key results

I thought this was a great idea, to build a database for keeping ‘evidence tables’ for each study I read.

I then read through all the slides. There is a lot of great information here, but it was spread out across the narrative. I realised I wanted to collate these into a ‘evidence table’. I also compared this with my understanding of the Ecological Metadata Language (EML) schema and the ‘ANU Data Analysis Plan Template’ and have put together a bit of a ‘cross-walk’ that lets me combine all this info and create a evidence table (database).

I have started to use the database I built which uses EML concepts heavily and I include some these other ideas into my free data_inventory application for a web2py database https://github.com/ivanhanigan/data_inventory.

It is a webform style data entry interface, and I think good for these ‘evidence tables’. In the first instance I piggy back a lot of the elements into single EML tags, especially the abstract. This may make it hard to parse. The simple solution is to try to keep each element on a seperate line of the absract.

The key info for an evidence table entry per study

EML ANU Adrian_Sleigh
dataset/title Study name
dataset/creator Person conducting analysis
project/personnel/[data_owner or orginator] Chief investigator
dataset/abstract Background to the study Purpose of Study
Study research question
Specific hypothesis under study
outcomes of interest/ Exposure variables /Covariates exposures-outcomes measured
key results
dataset/studyextent Study population Study Setting
source / sample and study pop
dataset/temporalcoverage Duration of study
dataset/methods_protocol Study Type Type of study
dataset/sampling_desc Subject Selection
dataset/methods_steps analytical strategy Statistical procedures
exposures/ potential confounders or effect modifiers Confounding
entity/numberOfRecords Number study subjects N
dataset/distribution_methods dissemination strategy

Here is a screen shot of my data inventory data entry form


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Adopting a bullet point style

With respect to bullet points:

End the introductory phrase preceding a list of bullet points in a
colon. If the individual bullet points are sentence fragments, don't
use a full stop, comma or semi-colon. Leave it bare until the last
bullet point, and then use a full stop. Don't use capitals. Use full
stops if each bullet point is a complete sentence.

Posted in  disentangle