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Using scholar rankings to provide weights in systematic literature reviews part 1

  • I’ve been thinking alot recently about an approach used in this recent systematic review
Vins, H., Bell, J., Saha, S., & Hess, J. (2015). The mental health
outcomes of drought: A systematic review and causal process
diagram. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, 12(10), 13251–13275. doi:10.3390/ijerph121013251

  • They identify causal pathways from papers and ascribe the supporting evidentiary weight based on the number of papers published with findings that support this cause-effect pathway
  • The raw number of papers is probably not a good metric, prone to bias so I was thinking of ways to ascribe weight based on quality of journal or authors
  • This is not supposed to replace the need to actually read the papers, but purely as an additional source of information
  • This recent post on scholar metrics provided some impetus via h-indices http://datascienceplus.com/hindex-gindex-pubmed-rismed/
  • I also think this approach of text mining the abstracts could be useful http://tuxette.nathalievilla.org/?p=1682

Sanity check of the two options using myself as guinea pig

x <- "hanigan+ic[Author]"
res <- EUtilsSummary(x, type="esearch", db="pubmed", datetype='pdat', mindate=1900, 
  maxdate=2015, retmax=500)
citations1 <- Cited(res)
citations <- as.data.frame(citations1)
citations <- citations[order(citations$citations,decreasing=TRUE),]
citations <- as.data.frame(citations)
citations <- cbind(id=rownames(citations),citations)
citations$id<- as.character(citations$id)
citations$id<- as.numeric(citations$id)
hindex <- max(which(citations$id<=citations$citations))

# 5

myid <- "cGN1P0wAAAAJ"
y <- scholar::get_publications(myid)
y[,c("author", "cites")]
y$id <- as.numeric(row.names(y))
hindex2 <- max(which(y$id<=y$cites))
# 15

Clearly the pubmed and google scholar search engines makes a big difference to my score!

Posted in  disentangle

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