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Posted in  spatial dependence

Judging the evidence part 2

I previously reported on a lecture slide deck called ‘Judging the Evidence’ by Adrian Sleigh for a course PUBH7001 Introduction to Epidemiology, April 30, 2001. http://ivanhanigan.github.com/2015/11/judging-the-evidence-using-a-literature-review-database

I have also now extracted several slides into a template outline for reviewing epidemiological and other research.

Adrian Sleigh’s Protocol

Object of Study, Hypotheses or Research Questions
  1. Purpose of Study: Objectives of study; why was it done?
  2. Reference Population:
    • To whom do authors generalize results?
    • To whom should the findings be generalized?

From the Reference Pop (target population) ->

Source Pop -> Eligible population

` The source population may be defined directly, as a matter of defining its membership criteria; or the definition may be indirect, as the catchment population of a defined way of identifying cases of the illness. The catchment population is, at any given time, the totality of those in the ‘were-would’ state of: were the illness now to occur, it would be ‘caught’ by that case identification scheme Source: Miettinen OS, 2007 http://www.teachepi.org/documents/courses/fundamentals/Pai_Lecture6_Selection%20bias.pdf `

Sample Pop:
  1. Refusals, Dropouts
  2. Participants -> Study Pop
Design of study
  1. Study setting: Where and when was the study done? What were the circumstances? Ethics?
  2. Type of study: Experimental vs natural, descriptive vs analytical (trial, cohort, case-control, prevalence, ecological, case-report, etc). If case-control or cohort, was the timing of data collection retrospective or prospective?
  3. Subjects: Who (number, age, sex, etc.)? How were they selected?
  4. Comparison groups: What control group or standard of comparison? How appropriate?
  5. Study size: Was the sample size adequate to give you confidence in the finding of “no association
  6. Bias and Confounding
    • a) Selection bias: Were groups comparable for subjects who entered and stayed in study? Selection influenced by exposure (c-c) or effect (cohort) under study? Drop-outs?
    • b) Confounding: Control of potential confounding variables in design of the study - matching or subject restriction?
  1. Procedure: How are the variables in the study defined and measured, ie how were data collected?
  2. Definition of terms: Are definitions of diagnostic criteria, measurements and outcome unambiguous? Could be reproduced?
  3. Bias and Confounding
    • a) Observation bias: Were study groups comparable for measurements or mode of observation? Mis-classification in determining exposure or disease categories? Differential between groups, or ‘random’?
    • b) Confounding: Information recorded on variables that could confound the association under study (to permit adjustment in the analysis)?

THANKS Prof Sleigh!

Posted in  bibliometrics and literature reviewing

R base graphics are fine except barplot

I concur with Jeff Leek that once spent time learning base graphics in R there is less incentive to learn ggplot2 http://simplystatistics.org/2016/02/11/why-i-dont-use-ggplot2/

However I always hate the way barplot works. Here is an example:

qc <- read.csv(textConnection("id,  OnlinePaper, Q, freq, totals,       prop
1,      Online,         ,1768,   9950, 0.17768844
2,      Online,      No ,4022,   9950, 0.40422111
3,      Online,     Yes ,4160,   9950, 0.41809045
4,       Paper,         , 256,   3355, 0.07630402
5,       Paper,      No , 979,   3355, 0.29180328
6,       Paper,     Yes ,2120,   3355, 0.63189270"))

qc1 <- cast(qc, OnlinePaper ~ Q74 , value = "prop")
barplot(as.matrix(qc1), beside = T, legend.text = qc1[,1], ylim = c(0,1))


ggplot(data=qc, aes(x=Q, y=prop, fill=OnlinePaper)) +
    geom_bar(stat="identity", position=position_dodge())


Going to extremes

I should say though that I have found barplot can produce very customised graphs that serve a specific purpose such as that below (I have de-identified the content as this is unpublished research)


This made heavy use of the following approach

# original by Joseph Guillaume 2009
SideBySideBarPlot2 <- function(aggAllData, ...) {
              las=1, axisnames = FALSE, ...)
  labels <- names(as.data.frame(aggAllData))
  text(bp, par('usr')[3], labels = labels, srt = 45, 
       adj = c(1.1,1.1), xpd = TRUE, cex=.9)
# with width = xvar (proportions)

Posted in  exploratory data analysis


Syntax Highlights

Until today I had no idea how to make code pretty in my blog posts which go to github after being first rendered locally so I can get the categories and tags.

Because github disables any plugins when it processes your blog I took Charlie Park’s advice. http://charliepark.org/jekyll-with-plugins/

This blog post solved it for me http://tuxette.nathalievilla.org/?p=1574

The trick is to write highlighter: pygments into the _config.yml and then:

% highlight r % # with curly braces
plot(iris$Sepal.Length ~ iris$Sepal.Width)
dat <- rnorm(1000,1,2)
% endhighlight % # with curly braces

Will render as:

plot(iris$Sepal.Length ~ iris$Sepal.Width)
dat <- rnorm(1000,1,2)

But I also pushed this to another site that I do use gh-pages to build and it sent me an email complaining:

You are attempting to use the 'pygments' highlighter, 
which is currently unsupported on GitHub Pages. 
Your site will use 'rouge' for highlighting instead. 
To suppress this warning, change the 'highlighter' value to 
'rouge' in your '_config.yml'. 

So there.

Posted in 

Climate grids thredds European data

I’ve got netCDF data regarding temperature calculated from the daily E-OBS gridded dataset which is based on observational data with a spatial resolution of 0.22° on a rotated pole grid, with the north pole at 39.25N, 162W. http://www.ecad.eu.

The rotated grid is the same as used in many ENSEMBLES Regional Climate Models. But I’ve never worked with the rotated grid projection before and so here is what I learnt.

This is the actual geographic points, it shows a kind of fan of locations


projdir <- "~/projects/weather_european_eobs/eobs_temperature_tg_dataset"
outdir <- "data_provided"
outdir <- file.path(projdir, outdir)
#dir.create(outdir, recursive = T)
# The URL below will get you the data, but the ECAD group do request you register your email address 
# they probably use this information to report some usage stats to their funders, so 
# Please do consider going to this webpage (http://www.ecad.eu/download/ensembles/ensembles.php)
# and register yourself.  Thanks!
webroot <- "http://www.ecad.eu/download/ensembles/data/Grid_0.22deg_rot"
# Create a list of netcdf files to download, we can loop over it
file_list <- c("tg_0.22deg_rot_1950-1964_v12.0.nc.gz","tg_0.22deg_rot_1965-1979_v12.0.nc.gz")

# only download if not already done
for(i in 1:length(file_list))
    dl <- file.path(webroot, file_list[i])
    infile <- basename(dl)
    exists  <- dir(pattern= infile)
    download.file(dl, destfile = infile, mode = "wb")
    system(sprintf("gunzip %s", infile))
    " (250MB)"

# now we can go through all days, I set this up as a loop over ncdf files then days, 
# but I'll probably try to set this up to directly use the netCDF aggregation functions available and avoid looping 
# for(j in 1:length(file_list))
    j = 1
    infile <- file.path(outdir, gsub(".gz", "", file_list[j]))
    nc <- open.ncdf(infile)
    #?get.var.ncdf, following the example in the help file
    print(paste("The file has",nc$nvars,"variables"))
    var_i      <- nc$var[[4]]
    varsize <- var_i$varsize
    ndims   <- var_i$ndims
    nt      <- varsize[ndims]  # Remember timelike dim is always the LAST dimension!
    # we will set up to do a loop over days, I want to
    # a) read in the day grid
    # b) make a spatial points file with the appropriate projection
    # c) convert to geotiff and save to disk
    #for(i in 1:nt)
    #  {
        i = 1
       # Initialize start and count to read one timestep of the variable.
       start <- rep(1,ndims)   # begin with start=(1,1,1,...,1)
       start[ndims] <- i       # change to start=(1,1,1,...,i) to read timestep i
       count <- varsize        # begin w/count=(nx,ny,nz,...,nt), reads entire var
       count[ndims] <- 1       # change to count=(nx,ny,nz,...,1) to read 1 tstep
       data3 <- get.var.ncdf( nc, var_i, start=start, count=count )
       # Now read in the value of the timelike dimension
       timeval <- get.var.ncdf( nc, var_i$dim[[ndims]]$name, start=i, count=1 )
       print(paste("Data for variable",var_i$name,"at timestep",i,
               " (time value=",timeval,var_i$dim[[ndims]]$units,"):"))
       # [1] "Data for variable tg at timestep 1  (time value= 0 days since 1950-01-01 00:00 ):"      
       dat1 <- list()
       dat1$x <- get.var.ncdf(nc, varid="Actual_longitude")
       #dat1$x <- dat1$x[,1]       
       dat1$y <- get.var.ncdf(nc, varid="Actual_latitude")
       #dat1$y <- dat1$y[1,]              
       dat1$z <- get.var.ncdf(nc, var_i, start=start, count=count )
       #map("world", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), ylim = c(ymin, ymax))
       #with(dat1, points(x, y, cex = .1, pch = 16))
       dat2 <- data.frame(
         x = as.vector(dat1$x),
         y = as.vector(dat1$y),
         z = as.vector(dat1$z)
       # I had the idea to save each day out to a file for looping over again and extracting spatially located data
       # say for a pixel, but I decided to try out the netCDF aggregation tools at a next step
       # save(dat2, file = sprintf("data_derived/eobs_tg_%s.RData",i))           
       #This seemed like a good idea, but RData is more compressed
       # write.csv(dat2, sprintf("eobs_tg.csv",i), row.names = F, na = "")       

# load the data for a specific day as example
infile  <- "eobs_tg_1.RData"
load(file.path("data_derived/", infile))
# Now this is able to be mapped, but have make sure of the projection
# the following code was adapted from

# Bedia, J. (2012). R practice using data from the ENSEMBLES
# Project. Retrieved from
# http://www.value-cost.eu/sites/default/files/VALUE_TS1_D02_RIntro.pdf

# loads the world map dataset 
wrl  <- as(wrld_simpl,"SpatialLines") 
l1 <- list("sp.lines",wrl)
#x <- get.var.ncdf(nc, varid="Actual_longitude")
x <- as.vector(x)
#y <- get.var.ncdf(nc, varid="Actual_latitude")
y  <- as.vector(y)

coords <- cbind(x, y)
# so the actual lat lons are not regular grid in degrees
plot(coords, asp=1, cex=.4, col="grey", 
  pch="+", main=("actual lon-lat grid"))

This is the first graphic shown above, it shows a kind of fan of locations

# so what does the rotated grid look like in its own universe?

This is how it looks on rotated grid


# so now add in the temperatures, use the wgs latlongs
t <- as.vector(dat1$z)
dat3 <- cbind.data.frame(coords, t)
coordinates(dat3) <- c(1,2)
#names(dat3@data)  <- c("z")
color.palette <- rev(brewer.pal(11,"Spectral"))
spplot(dat3, scales=list(draw=TRUE), sp.layout=list(l1), 
       col.regions=alpha(color.palette,.2), cuts=10, 

# write out the data to a shapefile
# we first have to make sure that the proj4 string is ok
proj4string(dat3) <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
setwd(file.path(projdir, "data_derived"))
writeOGR(dat3, "out2.shp", "out2", "ESRI Shapefile")

# to look at the rotated project do the following
# need to look at the website to get this info
# http://opendap.knmi.nl/knmi/thredds/dodsC/e-obs_0.22rotated/tg_0.22deg_rot_v12.0.nc.html
# it doesn't seem like there is this info in the ncdf file?
get.var.ncdf(nc, "projection")
rcm.lonlat.grid <- SpatialPoints(coords)
# now set this to wgs84
proj4string(rcm.lonlat.grid) <-"+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"

# this is the proj from website
# +proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=18 +o_lat_p=39.25 +a=6367470 +e=0
rcm.lambert.proj4 <- CRS("+proj=ob_tran +o_proj=longlat +lon_0=18 +o_lat_p=39.25 +a=6367470 +e=0")
# do the transform
spTransform(rcm.lonlat.grid, rcm.lambert.proj4) -> rcm.lambert.grid

world.trans <- spTransform(wrl, rcm.lambert.proj4)

plot(rcm.lambert.grid@coords, cex=.2, pch=3, asp=1, col="grey", 
  main="Projected RCM Grid - Lambert Conical Conformal")
lines(world.trans, col="red")

This shows the rotated world countries


pr.df <- cbind.data.frame(coordinates(rcm.lambert.grid), dat3@data)
coordinates(pr.df) <- c(1,2) 
l1  <- list("sp.lines", world.trans)
color.palette <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow","cyan", "blue","purple"))

# This graph shows this with temp
spplot(pr.df, sp.layout=list(l1), cuts=7, cex=1.5, 
  col.regions=alpha(color.palette(7),.15), pch=rep(15,7),
# not much point writing this to shapefile?
#proj4string(pr.df)  <- rcm.lambert.proj4
#setwd(file.path(projdir, "data_derived"))
# writeOGR(pr.df, "out.shp", "out", "ESRI Shapefile")

this one has temperatures too


acknowledgement and citations.

E-OBS temperature and precipitation:

We acknowledge the E-OBS dataset from the EU-FP6 project ENSEMBLES (http://ensembles-eu.metoffice.com) and the data providers in the ECA&D project (http://www.ecad.eu)

Haylock, M.R., N. Hofstra, A.M.G. Klein Tank, E.J. Klok, P.D. Jones, M. New. 2008: A European daily high-resolution gridded dataset of surface temperature and precipitation. J. Geophys. Res (Atmospheres), 113, D20119, doi:10.1029/2008JD10201”

Posted in  disentangle climate data