Vardoulakis (UC). Climate Attribution of Wildfire Smoke Impacts on Priority Population Health in Southeast Asia and Australia [EmbargoedCANBREATH], The Wellcome Trust, AUD$5,000,000, 2025-2027.
Vardoulakis (UC). Climate change adaptation to smoke haze for improved child health in Southeast Asia NHMRC ID: App2026359 Commencement: 1 July 2024, AUD$746,793
Johnston (UTAS). Centre for Safe Air, NHMRC. $2,500,000
Vyas, Hanigan. We were approached by the UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP28 Health Programme to provide technical expertise to the climate-health negotiations in Dubai in December 2023. Dr Vyas will undertake this activity jointly funded through Curtin and the NHMRC HEAL network. 2023. $50,000.
Hanigan, Data and model blending for the protoype AQFx smoke forecasting system, CSIRO, 6 months, $60,000
Hanigan, Jalaludin, Co-design and capacity building workshop in Sarawak, Malaysia, 2023, CAR, $20,000.00
Gebremedhin A, Hanigan, I, Universal Thermal Climate Index and Risk of Pregnancy Complications in Western Australia: A retrospective time-to-event cohort study, Curtin School of Population Health, 2023, $10,000
Riley (NSW DPE), Hanigan, Bushfire ARDC firesmoke data, ARDC, 1.5 years from 2022, $800,000
Hanigan, Pilot project for hosting high resolution fire smoke data, ASDAF, 3 months early 2022, $20,000
Matthews (USYD) et al., Healing Country: integrating knowledge systems to meet climate challenges, ARC Discovery Indigenous, 4 years from 2022, $1,400,000
May 2022 – May 2027, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), under the Special Initiative in Human Health and Environmental Change, to implement the Healthy Environments And Lives (HEAL) National Research Network (Total $16,000,000). ANU led (Vardoulakis)
March 2021 – June 2023, Australian Research Data Commons. Public Sector Bridges program. “Integrated national air pollution and health data (Air Health data): Improving data access and tools for Air Pollution Health Impact Assessments in Australia”. PI Ivan Hanigan. $346K Partner cash and in-kind and ARDC funding was $334K (Total $680K).
March 2021 – December 2022, Australian Research Data Commons. Platforms program. “Scientific workflow system for environmental health impact assessments (Air-Health SWS)”. PI Ivan Hanigan. $139K Partner cash and in-kind and ARDC funding was $163K (Total $302K).
2020, Google / Asthma Australia. A near-real-time spatiotemporal model of NO2 with interactive app for exposure profiles of individuals during trips for Google Maps. PI Ivan Hanigan. $25,000.
2020-2021, Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of the Environment and Energy. “A cost-benefit analysis of options to manage non-road diesel engine emissions in Australia”. $138K. PI Martin Cope.
2020-2021, NHMRC CRE The Centre for Air quality and health Research and evaluation (CAR). Validated Bushfire Smoke Exposure Geodatabase for Health Research in Australia. PI Geoffrey Morgan, $70K.
2020, NSW Adaptation Research Hub project, Human Health and Social Impacts (HHSI) Node. “Environmental and Social Indicators for tracking health impacts of climate change”. PI I.C. Hanigan, $50K.
July – December 2019, Australian Research Data Commons: “Enhancing the data, tools and policy translation resources on ‘CARDAT’; the NHMRC Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR , Data and Analysis Technology (DAT) platform” PI Ivan Hanigan, $50K.
2018-19, NSW Adaptation Research Hub project, Human Health and Social Impacts (HHSI) Node. “Health and Social indicators of Environmental Exposures.” PI Geoffrey Morgan, USyd, $130K.
2018, Victoria EPA consultancy: Provision of an Estimation of the Burden of Disease from Environmental Noise in Melbourne $28K, PI Ivan Hanigan.
2018, Victoria EPA consultancy: Linking an online data platform for population health studies as part to the emissions inventory. $29K, PI Ivan Hanigan.
2018, Post-doctoral fellowship through NHMRC CRE The Centre for Air quality and health Research and evaluation (CAR). Part-time $34K, PI Ivan Hanigan.
2017, Post-doctoral fellowship through NHMRC CRE The Centre for Air quality and health Research and evaluation (CAR). Part-time $49K, PI Ivan Hanigan.
2017, Which exposure assessment approach is best suited to Australian epidemiological studies? Centre for Air pollution, energy and health Research (CAR). PI Luke Knibbs, UQ. $20K.
2012, A Scientific Workflow System for Assessing and Projecting the Health Impacts of Extreme Weather Events. Australian National Data Service Applications project. PI Keith Dear, ANU., $200K.