Ivan Hanigan's CV



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Orcid: 0000-0002-6360-6793


  1. Boulter, P, Cope, M, Hanigan, I, Chaston, T, Morgan, G and Kulkarni, K 2022, DCCEEW 2022, Non-road diesel engines – cost-benefit analysis: final report, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Canberra, July. CC BY 4.0. This publication is available at https://www.dcceew.gov.au/environment/protection/air-quality/national-clean-air[1]agreement/evaluation-non-road-diesel-engine-emissions Cost-benefit analysis of management scenarios for non-road diesel engine emissions in Australia – Policy tool development and user guide, EMM Report J190631 RP5, EMM Consulting, St Leonards https://www.dcceew.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/nrde-cost-benefit-analysis-executive%20summary.pdf and associated paper for CASANZ conference Boulter, Paul, Martin Cope, Ivan Hanigan, Tim Chaston, Geoffrey Morgan, and Kapil Kulkarni. n.d. ‘Towards the Regulation of Non-Road Diesel Emissions in Australia-a National Impact Pathway Model’. Air Quality and Climate Change 57 (2): 16–27.
  2. Lee G, Spencer J, Standen J, Van Buskirk J, Boylan S, Petersen M, Hanigan I, Jegasothy E, Morgan G. (2020). Aboriginal Health and Climate in New South Wales. Human Health and Social Impacts (HHSI) Node of the NSW Adaptation Research Hub. The NSW Adaptation Research Hub is a collaboration between universities, climate-change and adaptation science experts, NSW Health, and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE).
  3. Hanigan, I.C., Geromboux, C., Horsley, J., Phelan, S., Jegasothy, E., Heathcote, K. and Morgan, G.G. (2020). Environmental health indicators for selected environmental risk/health outcome pairs in New South Wales. Human Health and Social Impacts (HHSI) Node of the NSW Adaptation Research Hub. The NSW Adaptation Research Hub is a collaboration between universities, climate-change and adaptation science experts, NSW Health, and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). https://dx.doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/YJ98D
  4. Schirmer J. & Hanigan I.C. (2017). Internal report prepared for NSW DPI. Understanding the resilience of NSW farmers, Findings from the 2015 Regional Wellbeing Survey, Health Research Institute & Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra.
  5. Mazumdar S, Learnihan V, Cochrane T, Hanigan I.C., Davey R. (2016). Influence of neighbourhood on the burden of non-communicable-diseases in the Australian Capital Territory. Health Research Institute working paper. University of Canberra. http://www.canberra.edu.au/research/institutes/health-research-institute/annual-reports/reports/Influence-of-Neighbourhood-on-the-Burden-of-Non-Communicable-Diseasws-in-the-Australian-Capital-Territory.pdf
  6. Burns, E.L., Lindenmayer, D., Tennant, P., Dickman, C., Green, P., Hanigan, I.C., Hoffmann, A., Keith, D., Metcalfe, D., Nolan, K., Russell-Smith, J., Wardle, G., Welsh, A., Williams, R. & Yates, C. (2014). Making ecological monitoring successful. Long Term Ecological Research Network, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
  7. McMichael, A., Berry, H., Butler, C., Capon, A., Dear, K., Hanigan, I.C., Lucas, R. & Strazdins, L. (2008). Assessing the scale and nature of health vulnerability to climate change. Technical report for WHO global consultation on ‘Guiding research to improve health protection from climate change’. World Health Organisation, Geneva. (D. Campbell-Lendrum & R. Bertollini, Eds.).
  8. Berry, H.L., Kelly, B.J., Hanigan, I.C., Coates, J., McMichael, A.J., Welsh, J. & Kjellström, T. (2008). Rural mental health impacts of climate change. Garnaut Climate Change Review, Canberra
  9. Bambrick, H., Dear, K., Woodruff, R., Hanigan, I.C. & McMichael, A. (2008). Garnaut Climate Change Review. The impacts of climate change on three health outcomes: temperature-related mortality and hospitalisations, salmonellosis and other bacterial gastroenteritis, and population at risk from dengue. Garnaut Climate Change Review, Canberra.
  10. Hanigan, I. C. (2003). Hotspots of Pathogens in Drinking Water Catchments: Case Study of Googong Catchment. Canberra, Australia.
  11. D’Souza, R., Hennessy, K., Cope, M., McMichael, A., Page, C., Whetton, P., Physick, B. & Hanigan, I.C. (2003). A scoping study of the impact of climate change on air pollution over Sydney. Consultancy for NSW Environmental Protection Agency, Sydney, Australia.
  12. The first climate change risk assessment for Australia: “Human health and climate change in Oceania: a risk assessment 2002, Anthony J (Tony) Mcmichael, R. Woodruff, Penny Whetton, K. J. Hennessy, Neville Nicholls, Simon Hales, A. Woodward, Tord Kjellstrom. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health and Aging.”