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A Driver Script To Set Up A Data Analysis Pipeline

  • In my previous post I reviewed a paper by Noble 2009 that proposed recommendations for best practice ways to set up a data analysis pipeline http://ivanhanigan.github.io/2015/10/a-quick-review-of-a-quick-guide-to-organizing-computational-biology-projects/
  • I was following up on a series of posts I made about other best practice recommendations http://ivanhanigan.github.io/2015/09/reproducible-research-and-managing-digital-assets-part-3/
  • In the paper by Noble it is suggested that a one should use a ‘driver script’ to automate creation of a directory structure, this is the exact way that ProjectTemplate and makeProject work as I described them in the series of posts.
  • I think Noble’s framework offers something new to the recomendations I had canvassed, that is the idea of chronological order of the contents of the results directory. I think this is an eminently sensible idea and thought that the R function Sys.Date() would be a great way to start off a project in this way.
  • so I have put together the following R function, as an alternative to the makeProject core function, that I thought I’d name so that there may be a family of makeProject functions, so that analysts have a range of to choose from. The other candidate would be makeProjectLong, which I will also put up before long.
makeProjectNoble <- function(rootdir = getwd()){
  if(!exists(rootdir)) dir.create(rootdir)
    cat(sprintf("---\ntitle: Untitled\nauthor: your name\ndate: %s\noutput: html_document\n---\n\n",
  dir.create(file.path(rootdir,'data', Sys.Date()))
  dir.create(file.path(rootdir,'results', Sys.Date())) 

  • Running this function will deploy the folders and files (I excluded the bin folder for compiled binaries, as I believe that many data analysts may not need that, and those who do are geeky enough to write their own driver scripts.


  • The Rmarkdown script is waiting for the analysis plan to be pumped out, and work can begin



Posted in  disentangle

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