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Toward a standard and unambiguous format for sharing Year-Month data

  • I am working in a new job where we are recieving data from a lot of different groups
  • we aim to review these datasets and then publish them for a wide audience of potential users
  • therefore usability and interoperability is a key concern
  • we recieved some data with Month and Year as Apr.12
  • I know this is easy to convert to a date/time class with in R but wondered what a better format would be to recommend for our datasets to use to maximise utility downstream (especially for non R users)
  • Apr.12 is assumed to be text in excel so need something else
  • Apr-12 is assumed to be the twelfth of April this year (ie 12/4/2014)

In R the solution might be to use the zoo package

as.yearmon("Apr.12", "%b.%y")
# [1] "Apr 2012"

# other options abound
as.yearmon("apr12", "%b%y")

# the default is YYYY-MM or similar

  • So I went looking at how Excel and Access deal with this
  • found that the best appeard to be MMM-YYYY in terms of how these software assume the data should look

R Code:

as.yearmon("Apr-2012", "%b-%Y")

# but will need to specify format because otherwise fails
# NA


  • I recommend the MMM-YYYY option
  • it is pretty good that in Excel it is assumed 1/04/2012
  • and if MS access is set to date/time and format = mmm-yyyy is ok for data entry (but not importing)
  • to import this use a shorttext type, then post-import, change to date/time with mmm-yyyy (the . failed)

Posted in  research methods Data Documentation

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