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- I appreciate all the arguments for using OA journals
- Using a LaTeX template is also attractive
- This post is a record of some experiences with the BioMedCentral (BMC) template and the Public Library of Science (PLOS) templates
- implemented with my favourite editor for everything Emacs Orgmode.
BMC seemed like a good option
- I started this journey 6 months ago with the BMC template
- because I pitch my work mostly at the health science community BMC seemed logical
- It turns out I downloaded their old LaTeX template and it SUCKED
- If you Download the template and bibliography stuff now it looks better
- But I am suspicious now because of the last little while I’ve been struggling so I’ve got a skeptical approach
- First copy the stuff to a test dir
- then use TexWorks to test compiling it
- try deleting the provided BBL file, this reveales that the BIB file has to be compiled with bibtex to work
- orgmode produces BBL files when evaluated but I don’t know if it’ll be smooth with the template
PLOS seems like a smoother option
- Download from the LaTeX template site
- First thing I notice is there is no BIB file, Yay!
- just make sure bibliographystyle and bibliography are set
- Looks like it isn’t trying so hard
Posted in
research methods
13 Dec 2013
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