Testing the pumilio-bushfm-test-dev-prod build process, in an Open Notebook
It was suggested I could document the pumilio test build as an OpenNotebook. I imagined that I could link this blog to github repo and doco hosted on gh-pages.
- For ie the emacs html output now goes to http://ivanhanigan.github.io/pumilio-bushfm/
- then collaborators can clone/fork https://github.com/ivanhanigan/pumilio-bushfm
- and comment/complain at https://github.com/ivanhanigan/pumilio-bushfm/wiki
- I did a test build a month ago on an old laptop sitting around, then rebuilt on the Nectar cloud
- Unfortunately I didn’t realise that the Nectar VM had mounted /var on to the smaller root partition (the 40GB 2nd disk is on /mnt).
- then when I tried to upload a big sound file it broke :-(
- I did a bit of reading and whilst I began thinking I’d just need to move the mysql datadir via
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- it actually looks like there is a WAV and MP3 file under /var/www/pumilio-2…
- so I think I can just remount /var onto the larger /mnt secondary disk.