R is generally very good for handling many different data types but
R has problems with survey data
This post is a stub about what packages Ive found with methods allowing to handle efficiently survey data: handle variable labels, values labels, and retrieve information about missing values
Base R:
## Not run:
analyte <- read.spss(filename, to.data.frame=T)
varslist <- as.data.frame(attributes(analyte)$variable.labels)
# this gives a pretty useful thing to use
While I was digging around in TraMineR I found this link to Dataset, Emmanuel Rousseaux’s package for handling, documenting and describing data sets of survey data.
Code:Dataset, a package for handling-survey-data-with-r
if(!require(Dataset)) install.packages("Dataset", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org");
# cool
# excellent!
I’m sure there are plenty of other approaches. I’ll add them as I find them’