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  • I got this header for a nice looking report from Bull, G. (2011). Example Sweave Document. SharpStatistics.co.uk.
  • This has a bunch of useful parameters, but I just really like the header and footer on pages 2 onward
  • The original was a Sweave file. I really like Sweave but orgmode allows other languages as well as R to be inter-woven into the script
  • An alternative to Sweave is knitr and is still on my todo list, but this works well at the moment
  • I also like how you can quickly change this to a Beamer presentation style.
  • Once this is in your file use C-c C-e d to export and compile the PDF
  • This example is available at this link

Emacs orgmode Code: Put this into your .org file

#+TITLE: Sharp Report Template
#+AUTHOR: Ivan Hanigan
#+email: ivan.hanigan@anu.edu.au
#+LaTeX_CLASS: article
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper]
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{amssymb,amsmath}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{fancyhdr} %For headers and footers
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \pagestyle{fancy} %For headers and footers
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{lastpage} %For getting page x of y
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{float} %Allows the figures to be positioned and formatted nicely
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \floatstyle{boxed} %using this
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \restylefloat{figure} %and this command
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{url} %Formatting of yrls
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \lhead{ivanhanigan.github.com}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \chead{}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \rhead{\today}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \lfoot{Draft}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \cfoot{}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \rfoot{\thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}
#+LATEX: \tableofcontents

* Introduction
This is a sharp looking report template I got from an R blogger \cite{Bull2011}.

The pages after the first page have a nice looking header, footer and page number.

* Section 1
In the Org file you can see some hidden R code that computes a linear regression and returns the results shown in Table \ref{ATable}.
*** COMMENT some-code
#+begin_src R :session *R* :tangle no :exports none :eval yes
#### name:some-code ####
fit <- lm(y~x)
xtable(fit, caption="Example Table",digits=4,table.placement="H",label="ATable")

#+RESULTS: some-code

* References

Posted in  research methods

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