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  • “Blogging like a Hacker” has become a paradigm for programmers who want to link their code to their blogs.
  • I’ve followed this paradigm for a while to support my scientific projects, enhancing their transparency and reproducibility.
  • I’ve started a new project where I need to also manage project management and planning (following Tomas Aragon’s tutorial)
  • I propose that the same methods I use in scientific programming and blogging like a hacker can be used in “Gantting like a Hacker”
  • The title for this post is also influenced by the poste over at [Geek Manager](http://blog.geekmanager.co.uk/2007/05/02/using-the-best-plan-format/).
  • That post says taht “Premature Gannting” is the act of making a “huge Gantt chart (often in MS Project).”
  • Gannting like a Hacker is doing this in a scripted environment, without relying on closed-source proprietry software such as the Windoze options.
  • The community of bloggers (mostly geeks) who are following a style of blogging that originated with the invention of Jekyll, unveiled in this post by Tom Preston-Werner; GitHub’s co-founder (aka mojombo).
  • This experiment uses Taskjuggler and Emacs Orgmode

Materials and Methods

  • Use Ubuntu 12.04 Long Term Support (LTS)
  • with Ruby

Code:install task juggler

gem install taskjuggler

Gantt charts with Emacs Orgmode

  • I’m using an Emacs tool to use TaskJuggler to handle the task scheduling and creation of Gantt chart suitable for a Pointy-haired Boss.
  • I hated using the Orgmode script to compile the parts of the Gantt chart so I wrote this R script to convert a spreadsheet into an Orgmode script
  • the spreadsheet is organised in a fairly simple way shown below.



  • and executing my script will convert this into a Emacs orgmode file that will export to a taskjuggler file (use C-c C-e j) and viola!



  • This simplifies the Orgmode taskjuggler creation
  • A drawback is that it has to go through the Emacs export function.

Posted in  research methods

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