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Space time animations are cool

This is a graphic I made a few years ago of temperature in Sydney. It is a GAM with smoothing splines on longitude, latitude and time (t):

fit <- gam(temp ~ te(lon,lat,t,d=c(2,1),bs=c("tp","cr")), data=jan06)  


Clink here for an example of where I think this kind of animation should go now.

The addition of stop/play/fwd/reverse buttons adds potential for exploratory insights.

The secret to getting the play/pause/next buttons is to insert graphing code between:

saveHTML(..., outdir = getwd())

Unfortunately the rest of the code that accompanies the graphic above is too specific to my workflow that it is not reproducible. That was back before (during the time that) I became obsessed with the prospect of creating reproducible data analysis workflows.

Posted in  spatial

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