An open notebook by Ivan Hanigan
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1. Introduction to R
2. General regression vs mixed-effects
3. Schools
4. Spatial data analysis
5. Your own data
6. Spatio-temporal regression models
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## Intro to R stats modelling ## # by ivanhanigan # recall objects # e.g. numbers a <- 1 a # or characters a <- "abc" a # and vectors x <- 1:100 x # math functions and simulating from a range of distributions y <- x^2 + sample(rnorm(10000, 0, 1000), 100) # and plotting plot(x, y) # stats models also create objects # use the mgcv package shipped with the base installation library(mgcv) # with statistical methods such as generalised additive models and # penalised splines fit <- gam(y ~ s(x)) # created an object that holds the results of the stats model summary(fit) plot(fit) # there are many other packages on CRAN we can use tests to see if we # need to install packages on this computer if(!require(season)){ install.packages("season") }; library(season) # sometimes with well documented help files ??season # these can also contain data data(CVDdaily) ?CVDdaily # str means structure str(CVDdaily) summary(CVDdaily) # sometimes you specify different plot types plot(CVDdaily$date, CVDdaily$cvd, type='l') # other times R knows based on the type of data plot(CVDdaily$dow, CVDdaily$cvd) # generalised linear models with non-gausian responses fit2 <- glm(cvd ~ tmpd + dow, data = CVDdaily, family = "poisson") summary(fit2) # partial residual plots are fun termplot(fit2, terms = 1, se = T) # and so are parametric smoothing splines library(splines) fit3 <- glm(cvd ~ ns(tmpd, df = 4) + dow, data = CVDdaily, family = "poisson") summary(fit3) # partial residual plots are fun termplot(fit3, terms = 1, se = T) # and post estimation statistics aic_table <- data.frame(aic2 = AIC(fit2), aic3 = AIC(fit3)) aic_min <- min(aic_table) (aic_table - aic_min) # model fit3 is substantially better than fit2 # and diagnostics like cooks distance and leverage par(mfrow = c(2,2)) plot(fit3) ## let's look at a monthly analysis, and data aggregations if(!require(sqldf)){install.packages("sqldf")} library(sqldf) data(CVDdaily) ?CVDdaily str(CVDdaily) summary(CVDdaily) plot(CVDdaily$date, CVDdaily$cvd, type='l') CVDdaily$yy <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(CVDdaily$date), 1,4)) head(CVDdaily) ?aggregate dat <- sqldf("select yy, month, sum(cvd) as cvd, avg(o3mean) as o3 from CVDdaily group by yy, month order by yy, month") dat$time <- 1:nrow(dat) head(dat) hist(dat$cvd) fit <- gam(cvd ~ o3 + s(month, bs = 'cc', k = 4, fx=T) + s(time, k = 6, fx=T), data = dat, family = poisson(link=log)) summary(fit) # edf reports k minus one for s(), looks like k - 2 for cyclic basis # bs='cc' png("~/season03.png") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(fit, all.terms = T)