An open notebook by Ivan Hanigan
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1. Introduction to R
2. General regression vs mixed-effects
3. Schools
4. Spatial data analysis
5. Your own data
6. Spatio-temporal regression models
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## A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO R ## # prepared by ChristyGeromboux #------------------------------------- # We have seen a brief introduction to RStudio. Now let's use it. ## RUNNING CODE ## #------------------------------------- # You can run a single line of code by using Alt-Enter, or # you can select multiple rows and run them in the same way. # Commented code won't be executed (# at the begining of the line or '' over multiple lines) ## LIBRARIES ## #------------------------------------- # R comes with a base set of libraries preloaded. Let's see them. search() # Most other libraries/packages are available on the CRAN website, but can # be imported using RStudio. ## GETTING HELP ## #---------------------------------- # R has very good built in documentation - try ? or help() function help(plot) ?mean # R also has built in examples in the documentation example(mean) # R offers a great inbuilt tutorial called swirl library("swirl") swirl() ?swirl_options help(swirl) # There is also heaps of information on the internet ## INBUILT DATAFRAMES ## #---------------------------------- # R comes with an inbuilt data frame that you can experiment with - mtcars # Other datasets can be accessed using the datasets package library(datasets) # Calling the data() function will tell you more data() # More info can be found here for more ## ASSIGNING AND DELETING VARIABLES ## #------------------------------------- # One of the most common things you will want to do is store values in variables # this is done in two almost equivalent ways, but the first is the recommended way x <- 5.2 y = "cat" # You can see the value of the variable by using Alt-enter on the variable name # or you can look in the environment tab. x y ## VARIABLE NAME RULES #------------------------------------- # Variables are case sensitive "Cat" is not the same as "cat". # When chosing varible names they can be a combination of letters, # digits, period (.) and underscore (_). # They must start with a letter or a period. If they start with a period, # they cannot be followed by a digit. # Reserved words in R cannot be used as identifiers. # e.g. for, while, Inf, FALSE, if, etc. For a full list and details ?reserved # Variables can be deleted using the remove() function remove(y) y ## NA, NAN and NULL #------------------------------------- # Variables in R can be empty or null. These are treated differently to: # 0 - the number 0 # "" - the empty string # NA is a place holder for a missing value. It has a length of 1. # NAN stands for "Not A Number" - e.g. 0/0 # NULL represents the null object - it can be returned by functions to # indicate that the value is unassigned. It has a length of 0. ## R OBJECTS #------------------------------------- # Everything in R is an object # All objects have a class, and other attributed depending on their class # ATOMIC CLASSES #------------------------------------- # There only 5 'atomic' classes # numerics (double floating point real numbers) num <- 2 num <- 3.5 num <- 0.4e10 # characters strings text <- "Hello world" # logicals (aka booleans) - these are stored as FALSE = 0 and TRUE = 1 i_love_r <- T # or TRUE i_love_brusselsprouts <- FALSE # or F # complex/imaginary numbers in the form a + bi cmplx <- 3+7i cmplx # integers int <- 3L # Note the L here just denotes an integer. ## CASTING BETWEEN TYPES #------------------------------------- class(int) class(num) x <- as.integer(num) class(x) class(num) x <- as.character(num) class(x) x # When you print the variable x it now has it has quotes # Sometimes casting happens silently # integer + numeric = numeric x <- int + num class(x) # imaginary + numeric = imaginary x <- cmplx + num class(x) x # numeric + boolean = numeric! False = 0, True = 1 x <- num + i_love_r class(x) x # sometimes it will give errors x <- text + int ## NON ATOMIC CLASSES ## #------------------------------------- # There are plenty of objects in R that have non-atomic classes - i.e. they are # made up of one or more objects. For example: ## VECTORS #------------------------------------- # Vectors consist of zero or more objects of the same class # A "numeric" vector x1 <- c(26, 10, 4, 7, 41, 19) x1 # A "character" vector of country names x1 <- c("Peru", "Italy", "Cuba", "Ghana") x1 ## LISTS #------------------------------------- # these are vectors that have elements of different classes x<- list(5, "rabbits", FALSE) x ## MATRICIES #------------------------------------- # all the elements in a matrix need to be of the same class M = matrix( # Note here that = can be used in a similar fashion to <- c(2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 7), # the data elements nrow=2, # number of rows ncol=3, # number of columns byrow = TRUE) # fill matrix by rows M ## DATAFRAMES #------------------------------------- # Like matricies, only the elements can be of different classes. # This is useful for data that consists of variables of different types ## Rasters ## Shapefiles ## Many others ## BASIC OPERATIONS IN R #------------------------------------- # We can use basic operations on variables in R # COMPARISON OPERATORS #------------------------------------- # equal: == x<-2 y<-3 x==y # not equal: != x!=y # greater/less than: > < x < y # greater/less than or equal: >= <= x<=y ## INFINITY #------------------------------------- # R has a built in concept for infinity x<-1/Inf ## LOGICAL OPERATORS #------------------------------------- # AND & Returns TRUE if both comparisons return TRUE. x <- 1:10 # This creates a numeric vector of the numbers 1-10. Well come to this later. x y <- 10:1 y x > y & x > 5 # This can be read as (x > y) AND (x > 5) # OR | Returns TRUE where at least one comparison returns TRUE. x == y | x != y # This can be read as (x equal to y) OR (x not equal to y) # NOT ! The ’!’ sign returns the negation (opposite) of a logical vector. !x > y # This can be read as NOT (x > y) - which from maths we know is the same as x <= y # These return a logical vector of TRUE or FALSE and can be useful for filtering ## CONTROL STRUCTURES IN R #------------------------------------- # Like all programming languages R offers various ways to control the # flow of execution ## IF / ELSE STATEMENTS #------------------------------------- x <- 5 y <- 10 if (x > y) { print("x is bigger than") } else { print("x is less than or equal to y") } ## FOR LOOP #------------------------------------- # Iterates through code for a fixed number of times x<-NA for (i in 1:27) { x<-paste(x," NA") if (i == 27) { x<-paste(x," BATMAN!") } } print(x) ## WHILE LOOP #------------------------------------- # Iterates through code while a condition is met. # Useful when we don't know how many loops to do - e.g. convergence current_time<-Sys.time() current_time end_time <- current_time+ 5 # 5 seconds end_time while (current_time < end_time) { print(paste("The time is: ",current_time)) Sys.sleep(1) # wait for one second current_time<-Sys.time() } ## REPEAT LOOP #------------------------------------- # Executes an infinite loop ## NEXT STATEMENT #------------------------------------- # Skip to the next iteration of the loop # print the numbers 1 divided by the integers -5 to 5 for (i in -5:5) { if (i==0){ # can't divide by 0 next() } print(1/i) } ## BREAK STATEMENT #------------------------------------- # Break the exectution of a loop i <- 1 convergence_point=0 x<-10 while (x!=convergence_point){ x <- x + sample(-1:10,1) # add a random number between -1 and 10 print(paste(i,": ",x,sep = "")); i <- i+1; if (i>100){ print("no convergence after 100 iterations") break() } } ## VECTORISED OPERATIONS #------------------------------------- # R offers simple ways to add/subtract/muliply/divide # vectors by other vecors or scalars x<-c(1:4) y<-c(5:8) x y x + y x * y a<-10 a * x # this works well when you are adding or multiplying vectors where the # number elements in one is a multiple of the number of element in the other z <- c(10, 100) x + z x * z # What happens here though z <- c(10, 100, 1000) x + z # It works, but note the warning message x <- seq(-50, 50, by=10) x x / 10 x <- -10:10 y <- x %% 2 # here %% = modulus y ## SUBSETTING IN R #------------------------------------- # Non-atomic objects in R can be subset in three basic ways - # Single bracket operators [] # this always returns an object the same class as the original object being subset # double bracket operators [[]] # this returns a single element from a list or dataframe # $ operator # this returns an object of a list or dataframe by name # this is similar to [[]] my_list<-list(-1:-5, 6L, 5e-4, c("cat","dog","mouse"), 5+3i, "hello world", TRUE) my_list class(my_list) x<-my_list[2] x class(x) # we started with a list so this should return a list with one element y<-my_list[[2]] y class(y) # you can also give names to the elements of your list # and you can use the $ operator to refer to them x<- list(num=5, pet="rabbit", eats_meat=FALSE) my_pet<-x$pet class(my_pet) # Note this is not allowed a<-"pet" x$a # SUBSETTING USING LOGICAL VECTORS #------------------------------------- x<-c(-10:10) even_x<- (x %% 2)==0 # here %% = modulus even_x # this is a logical vector representing if the values of x are divisible by 2 z<-x[even_x] z odd_x<-x[!even_x] odd_x # two ways to get the positive numbers pos_x <- x[x>0] pos_x pos_no <- x>0 # this gives a logical vector pos_no pos_x <- x[pos_no] pos_x ## VIEWING DATA #------------------------------------- # R offers a number of ways to summarise and view data # the str() function gives the structure of an object str(mtcars) # the class() function we have seen class(mtcars) # the head() and tail() functions allow us to look at the top and bottom rows head(mtcars) tail(mtcars, 10) # the table() function gives the frequency of any given variable table(mtcars$cyl) # the dim() function gives the dimentions of the variable # for matricies and dataframes the dimensions are given as number of rows # by number of columns dim(mtcars) # the summary() function gives summary(mtcars) # the attributes will give more information on the object depending on what it is attributes(mtcars) # PLOTTING DATA #------------------------------------- # One of the great things about R is how easy it is to plot data # Read in the dataframe into a variable cw<-ChickWeight # Let's take a quick look at the data head(ChickWeight) str(ChickWeight) summary(ChickWeight) # Now let's create some plots plot(cw$Diet,cw$weight) plot(cw$Diet,cw$weight , xlab="diet" # x label , ylab="weight in grams" # y label , main="Chick weight by diet") # title # just diet 1 over time diet_1<-cw[cw$Diet==1,] plot(diet_1$Time,diet_1$weight , type="p" # the type of graph see help(plot) , xlab="time in days" # x label , ylab="weight in grams" # y label , main= "Chick weight over time for diet 1" ) # with some more sophisticated libraries we can get prettier plots library(ggplot2) ggplot(cw, aes(Time, weight, colour=Diet)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ Diet) + theme(legend.position = "bottom") ggplot(cw, aes(Time, weight, group=Diet, colour=Diet)) + ggtitle("Average chick weight by diet over time")+ stat_summary(fun.y="mean", geom="line") ## PLOTTING SHAPEFILES #------------------------------------- # R can also be used to plot complex spatial data such as polygons require(rgdal) project_dir<-getwd() setwd("POA2016_shapefile") dat<-readOGR(dsn = ".", layer = "POA_2016_AUST") str(dat) head(dat@data) plot(dat) ## OTHER THINGS YOU CAN DO ## #------------------------------------- # This is really just the tip of the iceburg. R can do so much more. e.g. # write your own functions # execute code in other files # connect to databases # scrape web pages # create web pages or other documents (static or dynamic) # create a large variety of data visualisations # almost anything you want! # Please have a go! It is fun.