
How to share data to avoid misunderstanding

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This comes from Josh Reich’s blog:

  1. Programming does support AnYSortOF casing that you’d like, it makes cross-project work painful.
  2. All names (table, column, sequence, index, constraint, role, etc.) should be lowercase with underscores.
  3. Table names should be a singular noun that describes one row. “account”, not “accounts”. Some people prefer plural, we just need a standard, my vote is for singular as it makes SQL a little more natural to read e.g.,

SQL code:

SELECT * FROM account WHERE account.balance > 5000;

### Let’s try this in Ecology: e.g.

SELECT * FROM tree WHERE tree.species = 'Corymbia maculata';
  1. Can’t name a table ‘Species’ then.
  2. Also Hadley Wickham commented that all names should be lowercase in his Video about Tidy Data.